Programs for Kids

We've got a variety of STEAM education programs to engage our youngest makers, ages 6-18. Keep them challenged during school breaks or sign them up for single-day or weekly sessions where they can learn something new! 

2024 Summer Camps!

Upcoming Sessions

…and so much more!

Maker Nexus offers youth education throughout the year, including Spring Break and Winter Break programs, weekly homeschooling sessions, and partnerships with local schools.

Weekly Sessions

Groups that meet weekly on the same day of the week for 3-4 hours. Drop-in single day options are often available.

Seasonal Camps

Week-long day camps for aspiring makers, timed to coincide with school breaks in the Silicon Valley area.

School Programs

We work with schools to build programs specifically for their student bodies. Email to find out more.

two young girls work on a small wheeled robot